Our Christmas Gift to You: Say No Now so You Can Say Yes Later

Happy Christmas! Here at The Dapper Diplomat we hope this finds you not checking your email today and instead spending some much-needed quality time with your loved ones. 

That being said, we did want to leave you with one last little antidote from 2019 to carry forward into the New Year. So when you power back up that computer following the holiday remember this easy little mantra... 

Say no now so you can say yes later!

What on earth does that mean? It seems pretty clear cut, doesn’t it? But it’s the first thing out the window the second that we allow a little fear to creep into our thinking. 

What if another piece of business doesn’t come? What if I don’t meet my goals for the year? How am I going to pay my taxes? What about that huge rent payment? We could lay out these questions and concerns for hours, but what if instead you hold firm. 

So how do you combat this urge? Our recommendation - drum up three to four really smart goals that you know you need to meet in 2020. By taking the time to lay these out before the year begins, you give yourself a little space to be able to say no to things that don’t serve you or your goals for 2020.

By making them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and last but not least time sensitive, the path forward becomes a little clearer. Now this might be something you already have been thinking about or even exists on your current to do list. So just consider this your gentle kick in the pants reminder to get it done friend.

Happy goal setting and we can’t wait to see you again in the New Year!