4 Tips to Un-Stuff Your Feelings

Yes, we know that this month we are chatting a lot about mental health, but stick with us. It’s more likely that the leaders who occupy an aware mental health space are prone to achieve their goals in a quicker and more efficient manner, versus those choosing to stuff those feelings away in the closet. 

Let’s start to face those fears about our feelings.

What is fear anyway? Most likely it’s just false events appearing as real. And when looked at with a new set of lenses, is much less relevant than the credence you are giving it currently.

So, what can we do to un-stuff those feelings of inadequacy, shame, fear, impostor syndrome, failure, etc that are holding us back from being the best we can be? Herein four quick tips to engage with those feelings on the daily battlefield of life and win!

Tip 1: Create Rules of Engagement

Be Prepared. It’s the Boy Scout motto for a reason. By entering each interaction you have on a daily basis, having taken the time to fully inform yourself beforehand, you will be better equipped to dismiss your fear into a healthy place. Knowing you have all of the facts available, rather than flying blind, is the first step in shifting the rules of engagement to better work for you.  

Tip 2: Pause

Yes, actually pause. Instead of reacting right away to someone’s words or actions, literally count to ten in your head before responding. Will you look like you don’t understand the question, possibly, but more likely that short pause will be quickly forgotten when the words you use are appropriate, measured and on-point.

Tip 3: Set Intentions

What are you trying to accomplish? More often than not we react to daily situations in pre-programmed responses based on our past histories. If we are looking to gain more control over those responses, the best tool in your tool bag is to set an intention prior to the interaction. Whether it’s a daily intention of seeking peace of mind, or a specific intention of “I will not use shit, fuck or damn” in this conversation, setting that intention is a key step in harnessing our feelings to achieve success.

 Tip 4: Make it Deliberate

Stop. Pause. Plan. Act. Four quick mini steps to making your day a deliberate one. Don’t forget you can restart your day at any time. Has it gone off the rails in the morning? Take your lunch break to set it back on track. All you have to do is harness whatever you are feeling and channel it through this simple process to return balance to your day and use deliberate action to your advantage.